Protect your Bankruptcy Discharge: Check your Credit

The discharge of your debts is why you filed a bankruptcy case. The discharge is the key to your economic fresh start and your journey to a better financial life. But there may be items on your credit report that are crippling your fresh start and ability to move forward with your life.
Credit report errors are common. A Federal Trade Commission report found that 20% of consumers had an error on at least one of their three credit reports — 5% of consumers had errors on their credit reports that were serious enough to subject them to higher interest rates on loans. A bankruptcy gives rise to a great potential for error that is all too-often realized. We frequently see credit reports with one or more errors relating to a bankruptcy discharge. Some of these errors are obvious and some or not.
Obvious errors include:
- failing to note a bankruptcy discharge and reporting a current balance due on a discharged debt;
- misreporting payment status of reaffirmed debts; and
- misreporting the payment status of debts included in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy plan.
Less obvious errors include:
- requests for a consumer’s credit report after a bankruptcy has been filed; and
- reporting derogatory payment information after a bankruptcy has been filed.
Consequently, it is of great importance that you review your credit report for these and other errors. You can get a totally free copy of your credit report from the big-three credit reporting agencies from You can access, for free and any time, your credit reports from Trans Union and Equifax at Likewise, you can get free anytime access to your Experian credit reports from For checking your FICO score, is a great site.
We can and would be very happy to review your credit report with you at no cost whatsoever. This is a serious offer and not a gimmick. We have seen enough post-bankruptcy credit reports to know that any given credit report may have serious errors that can only be corrected through litigation. If you have a claim based on errors on your credit report, we can represent you on a contingency basis such that we only get paid if we win or settle your case. And if we do win or settle, the defendants will have to pay our fees and costs, not you. You can recovery actual and statutory damages of up to $1,000 for damages to your credit. And of course, the most important thing of all: correcting your credit report.
Please call (502) 895-1144 or email us today for your free credit report review.